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Slash Your Grocery Store Bill Significantly When You Pay Attention to These 4 Items

Image for Slash Your Grocery Store Bill Significantly When You Pay Attention to These 4 Items

Some grocery store shopping tips are well-known, like never going grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Yet, some grocery shopping mishaps are a little harder to recognize. For example, it’s all too easy to overspend on certain items when you’re perusing the aisles at your favorite grocer. So, to curb your ever-increasing grocery bill, check out these 4 items, which you are most likely spending way too much money on at the grocery store.

Laundry Detergent

Grocery stores know that you’re buying laundry detergent regularly, so they will often throw in coupons to sweeten the deal. Yet, even with coupons, your best bet is to buy laundry detergent and other household goods during April (spring cleaning season) and August (back-to-school season).

Paper Towels and Toilet Paper

Like laundry detergent, stores know that you’re restocking on paper products like toilet paper and paper towels regularly. But, even when discounted, there are worse and better places to buy these items. The best place to purchase? Drugstores or discount stores, like CVS, Big Lots, or Dollar General.

Fancy Nuts

While you’re picking up your paper products at CVS or Big Lots, take a look at their fancy nut selection, too. Nuts for snacking or cooking are usually very expensive at grocers. However, it’s easy to find bargain-priced nuts at a discount store. Visit one and stock up!


Buying your own coffee is always cheaper than hitting the Starbucks drive-thru. That being said, the best time to stock up on beans is during the fall and winter months, when coffee is a more seasonal item. Given that coffee has a shelf life of around 6 months, you can stock up now and enjoy much, much later.

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